OpenTDM Commands / Settings README Client commands: commands Show available commands. id Enables showing the identification of a player which is closest to your crosshair. accept Accept a team invite. admin / referee Become an admin. captain Show / become / set captain. captains Show both captains. ready Set ready. notready / unready / noready Set not ready. talk Send a message to specified player. details / players / playerlist Show current players on the server with their IDs. vote Propose new settings yes / no Vote yes / no. menu / ctfmenu / inven Show OpenTDM menu. join / team Join a team. settings / matchinfo Show match settings. observer / spectate / chase [quad/invul/killer/leader/none] Enter selected chasecam mode. overtime / ot / tiemode Display overtime settings. timelimit / tl Display timelimit. bfg Show bfg settings. powerups Show powerups settings. obsmode / chat Show obsmode settings. stats / accuracy Show current statistics for the player. oldstats / oldaccuracy Show statistics for the player from last match. teamstats / teamaccuracy Show statistics for the team. oldteamstats / oldteamaccuracy Show statistics for the team from last match. oldscores / oldscore / lastscores / lastscore Show old scoreboard. rejoin / ghost / restore / recover Rejoin the team during the match. tskin [model/skin] Sets the teamskin for current player, not depending on server settings. (use personalized config for permanent settings) eskin [model/skin] Sets the enemyskin for current player, not depending on server settings. (use personalized config for permanent settings) topshots / bottomshots Show best/worst accuracy with all weapons from last match for all players. teamtopshots / teambottomshots Show best/worst accuracy with all weapons from last match for players in particular team. Admin/captain commands: kickplayer / removeplayer / remove Remove a player from team. lockteam / lock Lock team. unlockteam / unlock Unlock team. pickplayer / pick Pick a player. invite Invite a player. teamskin Change team skin. teamname Change team name. teamready / readyteam Force team ready. teamnotready / notreadyteam Force team not ready. time / calltime / pause / ctime Call a time out. speclock Lock the team against spectators. specinvite Allow particular spectator to observe speclocked team. Admin commands: acommands Show available admin commands. overtime / ot <0/1/2> [minutes] Set overtime. 0 - tie 1 - overtime [minutes] 2 - sudden death timelimit / tl [minutes] Set timelimit. bfg [0/1] Turn off/on bfg. powerups [0/1] Turn off/on all powerups. obsmode [speak/whisper/shutup] Set chat mode. 0 - speak - everyone is able to talk during the match 1 - whisper - only players are allowed to talk during the match, spectators can talk only to each other 2 - shutup - only players are allowed to talk, spectators cannot talk at all break End the match. hold / time Pause the match. changemap [mapname] Change the map. mute [id/name] Mute the player for selected amount of time. Maximum 1 hour, if not set, default is 5 minutes. - players in the team are not able to use 'cmd say' - spectators are not able to use 'cmd say' and 'cmd say_team' unmute [id/name] Unmute the muted player. kick / boot [id] Kick the player from the server. kickban [id] Kickban the player from the server. ban [ip] [duration] Ban the ip from the server. unban [ip] Remove the ip from the server filter list. bans Show currently banned ips on the server. readyall / startcountdown Force all players to ready. notreadydall Force all players to notready. Voting: Usage: vote [ ] timelimit / tl Usage: vote timelimit map Usage: vote map restart Usage: vote restart kick Usage: vote kick powerups (eg: +invul, -quad, +all, -all, 1, 0) Usage: vote powerups <+/-> weapons (eg: +all -bfg) Usage: vote weapons <+/-> gamemode Usage: vote gamemode mode Usage: vote mode tiemode Usage: vote tiemode none: game ties after timelimit ot: overtime added until a winner sd: sudden death, first frag wins telemode Usage: vote telemode normal: teleporters act like regular Q2, you freeze briefly on exit nofreeze: teleporters act like Q3, your velocity is maintained on exit switchmode Usage: vote switchmode normal: regular Q2 weapon switch speed fast: weapon dropping animation is skipped instant: weapon dropping / ready animations are skipped insane: all non-firing animations are skipped extreme: same as insane, but allow switch during firing overtime / ot Usage: vote overtime config Usage: vote config webconfig Usage: vote webconfig chat Usage: vote chat 0, all, everyone: everyone is able to talk during the match 1, players, team, nospec: only players are allowed to talk during the match, spectators can talk only to each other bugs <0/1/2> Usage: vote bugs <0/1/2> 0 - fix all the bugs 1 - enables gameplay bugs like quad-grenade 2 - enables more serious bugs like shooting through walls/corpses tdm_spawnmode <0/1/2> Usage: in webconfig tdm_spawnmode <0/1/2> 0 - respawn avoid closest (bugged) 1 - respawn avoid closest (fixed) 2 - respawn random 1v1_spawnmode <1/2/5/6> Usage: in webconfig 1v1_spawnmode <1/2/5/6> 1 - respawn avoid closest (bugged) 2 - respawn avoid closest (fixed) &4 - respawn random on small maps 1 - 3.20 2 - fixed 3.20 &4 - random on small maps default: 1 g_tdm_spawn_mode [0/1/2] Configurable spawn settings: 0 - 3.20 1 - fixed 3.20 2 - true random abort Usage: vote abort yes Usage: vote yes no Usage: vote no Server variables: g_admin_password [string] Sets admin password for the server. default: g_admin_vote_decide [0/1] Sets whether admin's vote decide the callvote or not. default: 1 g_team_a_name [string] Sets default teamname for team a. default: Hometeam g_team_b_name [string] Sets default teamname for team b. default: Visitors g_locked_names [0/1] 0 - players can change teamnames 1 - teams use default teamnames default: 0 g_team_a_skin [string] Sets default teamskin for team a. default: male/grunt g_team_b_skin [string] Sets default teamskin for team b. default: female/athena g_locked_skins [0/1] 0 - players can change teamskins 1 - teams use default teamskins default: 0 g_match_time [integer] Sets matchtime in seconds. default: 600 g_match_countdown [integer] Sets match countdown in seconds. default: 15 g_vote_time [integer] Sets the time for how long the vote is active in seconds. default: 30 g_intermission_time [float] Sets the time for intermission (showing the scoreboard after the match). default: 5 g_force_screenshot [0/1] Force all players to take a screenshot in the end of the match. default: 0 g_force_record [0/1] Force all players to record a demo at the match start. demoname format: name-team_a-team_b-servername-map_year-mon-day_hour-min-sec.dm2 default: 0 g_tdm_allow_pick [0/1] 0 - disable command pick for picking the player into the team (with zero, pick serves as invite) 1 - enable direct picking the player into the team (player doesn't have to confirm with accept) default: 0 g_tdmflags [integer] Default dmflags bitmask for gamemode tdm. This should be used instead of dmflags. 1 No Health. 2 No Powerups. 4 Weapons Stay. 8 No Falling Damage. 16 Instant Powerups. 32 Same Map. 64 Teams by Skin. 128 Teams by Model. 256 No Friendly Fire. 512 Spawn Farthest. 1024 Force Respawn. 2048 No Armor. 4096 Allow Exit. 8192 Infinite Ammo. 16384 Quad Drop. 32768 Fixed FOV. default: 1040 g_itdmflags [integer] Default dmflags bitmask for gamemode itdm. This should be used instead of dmflags. Values are same as in g_tdmflags. default: 142427 g_1v1flags [integer] Default dmflags bitmask for gamemode 1v1. This should be used instead of dmflags. Values are same as in g_tdmflags. default: 1040 g_itemflags [integer] Bitmask of removed items. 2 shotgun 4 super shotgun 8 machinegun 16 chaingun 32 grenades 64 grenade launcher 128 rocket launcher 256 railgun 512 bfg10k 1024 hyperblaster default: 0 g_powerupflags [integer] Bitmask of removed powerups. 2 Quad 4 Invul 8 Powershield 16 Powerscreen 32 Silencer 64 Rebreather 128 Envirosuit default: 0 g_gamemode [0/1/2] 0 - team deathmatch 1 - insta team deathmatch 2 - duel default: 0 g_tie_mode [0/1/2] 0 - tie 1 - overtime 2 - sudden death default: 1 g_overtime [integer] Sets overtime in seconds if g_tie_mode is set to 1. default: 60 g_chat_mode [0/1/2] 0 - everyone is able to talk during the match 1 - only players are allowed to talk during the match, spectators can talk only to each other 2 - only players are allowed to talk, spectators cannot talk at all default: 0 g_teleporter_nofreeze [0/1] 0 - original q2 behavior 1 - no-freeze teleport default: 0 g_fast_weap_switch [0/1/2/3/4] 0 - normal weapon switch 1 - fast weapon switch 2 - instant weapon switch 3 - insane weapon switch 4 - extreme weapon switch default: 0 g_max_timeout [integer] Sets the length of timeout in secons. Zero disables the timeouts. default: 300 g_1v1_timeout [integer] Sets the time in seconds the mod is waiting for a player to reconnect to the server in 1v1 mode. Zero disables the wait timeout. default: 90 g_max_players_per_team [integer] Sets the maximum number of player allowed in one team. default: 4 g_respawn_time [integer] Sets the time in seconds when the player is spawned automatically if force respawn is enabled. default: 5 g_idle_time [integer] Sets the time in seconds after which a player is considered as inactive and removed from the team. default: 300 flood_waves [integer] Sets the number of taunts that a client has to do in order to be considered a flood. default: 6 flood_waves_perminute [integer] Sets the number in minutes in which the taunts are done in order to be considered a flood. default: 6 flood_waves_waitdelay [integer] Sets the time in minutes that a client will not be able to do any taunts because of the flood. default: 10 g_maplistfile [string] Sets the name of the maplist file. If empty, the maplist is disabled. default: empty string g_bugs [0/1/2] Controls bugs from vanilla q2. To get behaviour of older mods like osp/battle/tdm use 2. 0 - fix all the bugs 1 - enables gameplay bugs like quad-grenade 2 - enables more serious bugs like shooting through walls/corpses default: 0 g_allow_vote_config [0/1] Enables config voting. default: 1 g_auto_rejoin_match [0/1] All players from previous match will rejoin their teams after the match. default: 1 g_auto_rejoin_map [0/1] All players from previous map will rejoin their teams after the mapchange. default: 1 g_motd_message [string] Sets the message of the day. default: "==========================\n| Quake 2 OpenTDM! |\n|------------------------|\n| |\n==========================" g_allow_name_change_during_match [0/1] Allows players to change their names during the match. default: 1 g_http_enabled [0/1] Enables http support for webconfigs, webstats. default: 1 g_http_bind [string] Binds http to defined ip. default: g_http_proxy [string] Sets a proxy server. default: g_http_baseurl [string] Sets the url. default: g_1v1_spawn_mode [0/1/2] Configurable spawn settings (bitmaskable with 4) 0 - 3.20 (avoid closest spawns, bugged) 1 - fixed 3.20 2 - true random &4 - random on small maps default: 1 g_tdm_spawn_mode [0/1/2] Configurable spawn settings: 0 - 3.20 (avoid closest spawns, bugged) 1 - fixed 3.20 2 - true random default: 1 g_vote_mask [integer] Vote bitmask. Enables particular kind of vote on the server. 1 Timelimit. 2 Map. 4 Kick. 8 Weapons. 16 Powerups. 32 Gamemode. 64 --- 128 Teleport mode. 256 Tiemode. 512 Weaoin switch mode. 1024 Overtime. 2048 Local config. 4096 Webconfig. 8192 Chat. 16384 Match restart. 32768 Bugs. 65536 TDM spawnmode. 131072 1v1 spawnmode. 262144 Match abort. default: -1 (all enabled, equals 524287) g_command_mask [integer] Commands. Enables particular command on the server. 1 speclock default: -1 (all enabled, equals 1)